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Mmmmm! Sorry, couldnt think of another title right now so I went with that. Plus, I am eating a piece of bread with Nutella on it. and no, you cant have a bite. OK now to stop licking my fingers and decide what to write about. I am down to like, one shower a week now! So what have I been soooo busy doing? They are in my Etsy shop if you wanna take a looksie! Thankfully.
A refuge for neglected 80s video trash. Sorry, but some of the videos here are much worse than that. The Video Of The Week.
I dont tend to write about personal things on Pretty Vintage, but today Im making an exception, because today Im writing about my beautiful Nanas first novel, based on her many conversations with her grandmother.
My virtual podium to express my thoughts and ideas to the world. Lots of Luck to Ms. We all know Michael Strahan. As a successful former New York Giant football player. But did you also know that he doubles in his down time as a secret agent. Well, for the past two years, Mr. Strahan has been dating Nicole Murphy. Supposedly, Nicole was having an affair with this other dude for .
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Sunday, September 15, 2013. The Venus Project proposes an alternative vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know to achieve a sustainable new world civilization. It calls for a straightforward redesign of our culture in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but as totally unacceptable.
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